Intermediate Band
The Intermediate Band at La Paz is available for any student with no prior music experience required. However, it is also comprised of seventh and eighth grade musicians who have begun their music study. Students may choose any woodwind or brass instrument.
Successful completion of Intermediate Band leads to Advanced Band, depending on ability, instruments needed in upper groups, and student responsibility. Intermediate Band may also be taken by a student in Advanced Band or Orchestra wishing to learn a secondary instrument. Students wishing to study a secondary instrument must first request teacher permission. Successful completion of Intermediate Band allows students to audition for Advanced Band. The Intermediate Band will perform many times, often in conjunction with the Advanced Band.
Students are requested to maintain a 2.0 GPA and strive for ABCOS. Please monitor your child’s grades, and seek out additional support as needed by emailing your child’s teachers and/or school counselor. As participation in rehearsals and performances outside of class time are a required part of this class, it is important that students do not fall behind in their other classes.

Advanced Band

The Advanced Band is the top wind performing group at La Paz. Entrance in Advanced Band is limited to students who have achieved the highest levels of musical skills, have demonstrated responsibility and have the permission of the teacher to enroll.
The Advanced Band is a busy ensemble, performing at least once each month. The Advanced Band traditionally performs with the MVHS and LHHS Marching Bands, and competes at Magic Mountain.
Students are requested to maintain a 2.0 GPA and strive for ABCOS. Please monitor your child’s grades, and seek out additional support as needed by emailing your child’s teachers and/or school counselor. As participation in rehearsals and performances outside of class time are a required part of this class, it is important that students do not fall behind in their other classes.
String Orchestra

This class is designed for students who would like to play the violin, viola, cello or bass. No experience is necessary however some students in this class will have had some elementary school music lessons. Students in the String Orchestra class will occasionally perform with the Advanced String Orchestra class.
Students are requested to maintain a 2.0 GPA and strive for ABCOS. Please monitor your child’s grades, and seek out additional support as needed by emailing your child’s teachers and/or school counselor. As participation in rehearsals and performances outside of class time are a required part of this class, it is important that students do not fall behind in their other classes.
Jazz Band 1
Jazz Band #1 will once again be a 0-period class this year. The following instruments are needed in a jazz band: 2 alto saxes, 2 tenor saxes, 1 baritone sax, 5 trumpets, 4 trombones, 1 drum set player, 1 keyboard player and 1 bass player. Anyone who wishes to play in jazz band may audition for jazz band if they play one of the instruments listed above. All rehearsals and performances are required of Jazz Band members.